2019 Iditarod National Historic Trail Highlights

Iditarod Historic Trail Alliance (IHTA)


Programs — IHTA and partners showed the movie “Iditarod National Historic Trail – A History” for free daily during the summer at the library, located about three blocks from Mile Zero of the Iditarod NHT, two statues associated with the history of the trail, and interpretive signing.


Planning — Chugach National Forest and INHT Southern Trek, with RTCA grant assistance, worked with partners to organize and implement three volunteer trail events and produce a draft INHT Southern Trek Stewardship Plan.      

Maintenance — IHTA volunteer trail crews worked on three trail segments in the summer: Rocky Creek, Winner Creek, and Portage Pass. BLM repaired building damage from animals and worked with fire managers to save other shelters from wildfires.


Funding — IHTA continued a Challenge Cost Share Agreement with the USFS to promote the trail, story, and stewardship.

Strategic Plan — IHTA held a strategic planning session and developed a “Strategic Direction 2019-2025” guide.