Support Us

The Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS) offers several ways for organizations and individuals to get involved and support our work, including becoming a member or a supporter.

Trail Organization Members of PNTS are nonprofit organizations with a mission or purpose to develop, protect, interpret, and sustain one or more National Scenic or Historic Trails. They are the long-term, private-sector partners of the Federal agencies in the ongoing management of one or more National Scenic or Historic Trails.

Affiliate Organization Members of PNTS are professionals and/or organizations that support the work of the Partnership—or support some sort of management, advocacy, or other work—that helps sustain portions of one or more National Scenic or Historic Trails. They may have either a broader focus than just the National Trails System, their area of activity encompasses only part of a National Scenic or Historic Trail, they may be a trail interested in receiving national trail designation, or they may be trail enthusiasts who want to become more involved in supporting National Scenic and Historic Trails.

Organizations and individuals can also become Supporters of PNTS and receive several benefits by providing annual financial support!


Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Members support the National Scenic and Historic Trails by working collaboratively with, or by volunteering their services to, the Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS). Affiliate Membership provides many of the benefits afforded to Trail Organization Members, excluding participation in PNTS Committees. There is a $250 Membership Fee associated with Affiliate Membership (payable upon approval of your Affiliate Membership status) and a separate application process for each of the three categories of Affiliate Membership.

Benefits of Affiliate Membership

  • Pathways magazine free to organization leaders (1 hard copy + digital copies)
  • Free access to PNTS webinars (1 per organization, per event)
  • Reduced fees for trainings and workshops ($25 discount, max 1)
  • Inclusion in PNTS advocacy work

Refer to the criteria below to choose the appropriate Affiliate Membership category for your application and apply for PNTS Affiliate Membership today.*

Organizational Affiliates

Affiliate Membership is open to nonprofit organizations that are not eligible for Trail Organization Member status but meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Organizations that collaborate with PNTS on national issues or projects benefiting the National Trails System.
  • Organizations that support and promote one or more of the National Scenic or Historic Trails in the National Trails System as a substantial part of their mission.
  • Organizations whose purpose is to support a trail that is seeking designation as a National Scenic or Historic Trail.

Agency Affiliates

Affiliate Membership is open to State, Local, and Tribal agencies that support one or more of the National Scenic or Historic Trails in the National Trails System.

Individual Professional Affiliates

Affiliate Membership is open to individuals with specialized expertise in one or more fields related to the work of PNTS who support the PNTS mission and want to become involved in our work.

* Submission of an application does not represent acceptance. Applications will be reviewed and voted upon by the PNTS Trail Leaders Council in no more than 120 days. Do not include payment with this application. Affiliate Membership fee is payable upon approval of your Affiliate Membership Application.