2020 El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail Highlights

Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Trail Association (CARTA)


Input — CARTA provided input and support for interpretative signage along a stretch of the trail in El Paso County, Texas. Similarly, trail enthusiasts provide input to the National Park Service’s consultants tasked with devising an overall interpretation plan. Lastly, the State of New Mexico has identified CARTA as a stakeholder for consultation regarding a proposed visitors’ and interpretation center in Sunland Park, Doña Ana County, New Mexico.


Consultation — NPS has selected a firm to prepare a comprehensive interpretation pan for the El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro NHT, an act that affords the communities along the trail’s route potential benefits vis-a-vis heritage tourism and recreation. 

Interpretation — CARTA members have been in consultation with officials from El Paso County regarding on-going interpretation and protection efforts of the Oñate’s Crossing / Hart’s Mill / Old Fort Bliss site in El Paso County, Texas.

Development — State of New Mexico intends to acquire a tract of land adjacent to the route of the historic trail in Doña Ana County at the base of Mount Cristo Rey for the construction of an interpretation center.