Trail Administration — NPS administered 23 National Scenic and Historic Trails, including two co-administered trails, spanning over 42,000 miles across 48 States, including the District of Columbia.
Funding — Operational funding of $14.4 million was provided in support of the National Trails System and NPS-administered national trails. NPS provided $925,000 in Connect Trails to Parks competitive funding for projects that connect national trails to public lands and increase public awareness, appreciation, and use of the National Trails System.
National Recreation Trails – NPS provided support to the Secretary of the Interior, who recognized 30 new national recreation trails in 25 States for inclusion as elements of the National Trails System. These new national recreation trails add more than 1,275 miles of land and water-based trails to this nationwide network of over 1,300 trails spanning all 50 States, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
Staffing — NPS hired John Cannella as the full time National Program Manager for National Wild and Scenic Rivers System and National Trails System. Crystal Salvador-Zapote completed her 11-month Hispanic Access Foundation fellowship supporting the National Trails System.