Luz Lituma

Luz Lituma, Appalachian Trail Conservancy & Florida Trail Association Latinx Partnership Coordinator
Luz Lituma the Latinx Partnership Coordinator for the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) and the Florida Trail Association (FTA). She is an outdoor enthusiast from Atlanta, Georgia with a newfound passion for road tripping, backpacking, hiking, and all-around adventuring all over the United States. Luz graduated with a Marketing degree from Georgia State University and has unexpectedly found herself in outdoor advocacy after creating Latinxhikers. Latinxhikers was initially created as an online platform to elevate stories of Latinx in the outdoors and has then evolved into a grass roots initiative to bring more diversity to the trails by guiding hikes all over the United States. She’s hosted countless hikes around the nation and hopes to pick that back up in the near future.

  • Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Best Practices as Developed by the PNTS JEDI workgroup: Thursday 10/22 at 4 PM EDT
2024 National Trails Workshop Call for Proposals Open