2019 Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail Highlights

Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA)


Awareness — PCTA volunteers, with guidance from staff, developed a Tabling Program, which provides branded canopies, map banners, and messaging to increase awareness of PCTA’s mission and work at a variety of events.  

Awards — The PCT was honored with the 2019 Regional Treasurer Award by the California Parks and Recreation Society and the Partnership for Quality Living for contributing to the local economy and quality of life of State residents and providing an opportunity for self-improvement and outdoor education.  


Land — A total of 17 once private miles of the PCT are now in public ownership after a five-year combined effort that included the PCTA, USFS, The Trust for Public Land, the Michigan-California Timber Company, and the surrounding local communities. This 10,300-acre Trinity Divide acquisition in Northern California will create new public access for hikers, horseback riders, campers, hunters, and anglers along this scenic stretch of the PCT, including new legal access to 10 alpine lakes and many streams. Funding for the project came from private donations, The Wyss Foundation, and the Land and Water Conservation Fund. 

Documentation — The Inyo National Forest Plan was finalized and contains the first PCT Management Area with specific guidance for the desired conditions and providing for the nature and purposes of the trail.


Staffing — PCTA hired a Volunteer Outreach Intern for six months using funding from a PNTS grant to support volunteer recruitment and communications. Thanks to the success of Mila Benson’s internship, the PCTA hired her as a full-time Volunteer Programs Outreach Associate as of January 2020. 

Programs — USFS’s Crest Runner and Trailhead Host program contacted 3,270 PCT hikers and equestrians in Cleveland and Inyo National Forests; the education efforts saw a decrease in trash, water caches, and toilet paper along the PCT’s southernmost 100 miles.

2024 National Trails Workshop Call for Proposals Open