The Decade for Trails

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Although steady progress has been made to transform these trails from lines on maps to places in the landscape for people to learn from and enjoy, at the current pace it will be decades before most of them will be fully available for public use.

To fully realize the promise of the National Trails System for public benefit we should dedicate ourselves to a “Decade for the National Trails” leading to the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System in 2018.

Over the next decade we should…

  • Raise public awareness of the National Trails System so that it becomes well known to every citizen and community in the United States.
  • Complete and enhance the designated National Trails for public appreciation and enjoyment.
  • Build the capacity of federal agencies to better manage and sustain National Scenic, Historic, and Recreation Trails, as well as Rail Trails.
  • Enhance the capacity of non-profit organizations to be able to continue to recruit, train, and supervise ever more volunteer stewards of the National Trails forming a nationwide network of community-based natural and cultural resource stewardship.

To read the full statement of approved goals and recommendationsA Decade for the National Trails – Decade Goals Priority Actions