The Land and Water Conservation Fund and Our Trails

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Just How Important is the Land and Water Conservation Fund to Our National Trails System?

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is the most important program for ensuring permanent protection of our Nation’s National Scenic and Historic Trails.

Created to invest a portion of the revenue from offshore drilling leases towards protecting parks, forests, wildlife refuges, public lands, and other community spaces— the $900 million LWCF has been a crucial tool for helping to close gaps and preserve critical historic and scenic places within our National Trails System (NTS).  In 2015 alone, over $24 million LWCF dollars were appropriated towards preserving and protecting our National Trails System. And not only does the LWCF protect our trails; it also supports our national parks, national monuments, national forests, national wildlife refuges, state parks, and community parks across the country.

On September 30th, 2015 the LWCF expired. Now it is up to us to make a difference by showing our support for this critical source of funding. Supporters of the LWCF are currently working to pass legislation that would permanently ensure the future of this valuable resource.

Contact your congressional representatives and senators today and tell them how important the LWCF is to preserving critical historic sites and natural resources, and closing gaps in our NTS. Let them know that proposed budget cuts will threaten the future of this important conservation program.

Map: National treasures funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund–a program Congress wants to kill — Wilderness Society
Mapping the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) — Wilderness Society
2016 LWCF National Scenic and Historic Trail Projects — PNTS



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