El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT 2017 Highlights

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association (ELCAT)


  • Media — Filmed the trail with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department staff for a weekly PBS series airing in early 2018. The activity was covered extensively on social media and published in the TPWD Magazine, which has a statewide distribution of 100,000 subscribers.


  • Archaeology — ELCAT’s Rancheria Grande archaeology project added significant understanding to Native American and Spanish Colonial history along the trail. The Rancheria represents the largest conglomeration of Native American and European groups that assisted in the transportation of goods, soldiers, ammunition, funding, and cattle to the American Revolutionary War effort. The extensive remnants of the road and Native American dwellings and artifacts were cataloged, and three property owners within the Rancheria certified their properties as official sites on the trail with the NPS National Trails Intermountain Region.


  • Strategic Plan — Developed a second strategic plan to allow for greater outreach and volunteer opportunities toward resource protection and trail development through its Model Trail Community program.

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