Ala Kahakai NHT: 2018 Highlights

Ala Kahakai Trail Association (AKTA)

  • AKTA conducted seven hikes along portions of the trail and six community events.  
  • AKTA worked with a trail intern to create a presentation template that was used as an educational piece for six community meetings.
  • AKTA received 100 acres as a donation and is in the process of closing on 2,300 acres of land in Kau and 800 acres of conservation easement, which the trail traverses through.

E Mau Nā Ala Hele (E Mau)

  • E Mau supports community and National Park Service events along the trail, including sponsoring “Free Walk and Talks” along portions of the trail in Kohala and Puako.
  • E Mau celebrated National Trails Days by walking from Lapakahi State Park to Kapaa with interpretive guides, and celebrated “Life of the Trail” by hiking from Kekaha State Park to the beach along the mauka-makai trail commemorating the Trails Act of 1892 that states all trails in Hawaii will be open to all.
  • E Mau participated in educational booths at the Annual Run for the Dry Forest and at the Ohia Festival held at the Imiloa Astronomy Center.
  • E Mau is laying the framework to review the ten year strategic plan and assess its achievement.

Unless otherwise indicated, all material in Pathways Across America is public domain. All views expressed herein are perspectives of individuals working on behalf of the National Trails System and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Federal agencies.

Ala Kahakai Trail hike through south Kohala led by board member Alan Brown. Photo Credit: AKTA.