All About the Appalachian Trail by Leonard M. Adkins

by Leonard M. Adkins, Author, All About the Appalachian Trail

Cover of All About the Appalachian Trail by Leonard M. Adkins

There are a few colorfully illustrated books about the Appalachian Trail for very young children. However, All About the Appalachian Trail is the very first written for readers in grades 4-8 that provides a complete overview of the world famous hiking trail. It is designed for children 9-13 years of age and their parents, teachers, and librarians to enjoy together. 

The book covers it all: the route, history, geology, and animals of the trail, along with chapters about hiking equipment and Leave No Trace ethics. 

There’s even a profile of the trail’s most famous users—thru-hikers—and quotes designed to not only inspire everyone to take a hike, but to also volunteer to help maintain and protect the trail. 

In addition, there is a free downloadable Teacher’s Guide with Common Core Standards, sample questions, and activities to stimulate further discussion and knowledge of the trail.

All About the Appalachian Trail is published by Blue River Press.

Leonard M. Adkins has hiked more than 20,000 miles exploring the pathways and backcountry of North America, Europe, New Zealand, and the Caribbean. Among his many long-distance hikes are five traverses of the entire Appalachian Trail.