Posts written by aminniear

Continental Divide Trail Mapping Project

2014. A PowerPoint presentation on the development of a GIS Mapping Project for a National Scenic Trail.

North Country Trail Interactive Map

An interactive map of the North Country Trail, from New York to North Dakota.

Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail Interactive Map

Interactive map of the Pacific Crest Trail.

Arizona Trail Interactive Map

An interactive map of the Arizona Trail, from the Mexico border to the Utah border.

National Trails System and Land and Water Conservation Fund FY 2015 Request

2014. A compilation of critical protection needs and land transactions for national scenic and national historic trails. National Trails System and Land and Water Conservation Fund FY 2015 Request

Partnership for the National Trails System “Gold Sheet” of Volunteer Contributions in 2013

2014. A compilation of volunteer hours and financial contributions to national scenic and national historic trails in 2013. Partnership for the National Trails System “Gold Sheet” of Volunteer Contributions in 2013

Pacific Crest Trail Association Federal Fiscal Year 2015 Appropriations Request

2014. A well-designed case statement for federal funding for federal land acquisition to protect the Pacific Crest Trail. Pacific Crest Trail Association Federal Fiscal Year 2015 Appropriations Request

Autumn 2014 Youth Report

About This Pathways Issue… Youth programs on the national trails system warrant regular and intensive attention in the publications of the Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS) because they inherently relate to all three of the goals (Outreach, Protection, and Capacity) of the Decade…

David Rickman

Through his art and writings, artist and author David Rickman recreates the worlds of the past for the National Park Service, various state parks, museums, historic sites, and publishers in both North America and Europe. Recent projects include illustrations for Castillo San Marcos National Monument…

Letha Kelsey

Letha Kelsey has been an active volunteer, hiker, and advocate for the Ice Age NST since 2000. As an artist with an emphasis in painting and drawing, Letha Kelsey’s work investigates immediate surroundings–specifically the sensory language and pictorial spaces of the Midwest. Kelsey is a…