Agency Partner Guides, Directives and Reports
Navigating and Applying for USFS Jobs (in depth videos on how to navigate usajobs) (general website with Career info)
The United States Department of Transportation Strategic Framework FY 2022-2026
The United States Department of Transportation Strategic Framework FY 2022-2026 is available for public viewing at The stated “DOT Strategic Goals” in the document include Safety, Economic Strength and Global Competitiveness, Equity, Climate and Sustainability, Transformation, and Organizational Excellence. Definitions for each goal can…
Interpreting the National Trails System Act – A Guide and Index
Interpreting the National Trails System Act – A Guide and Index (2013).
National Trails System Act
The National Trails System Act (P.L. 90-543, as amended through P.L. 116-9, March 12, 2019) View the full National Trails System Act here.
FHWA Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks Resource
Compiled from the FHWA website The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks, a resource for transportation practitioners in small towns and rural communities. It applies existing national design guidelines in a rural setting and highlights small town and rural case…
The National Trails System Memorandum of Understanding
2016. A memorandum of understanding among the primary land-managing agencies for administration and management of national scenic and national historic trails.
Management of National Scenic and Historic Trails
6280 – Management of National Scenic and Historic Trails and Trails Under Study or Recommended as Suitable for Congressional Designation. This release transmits one of three manuals in the National Trails System manual series (BLM Manuals 8353, 6250, and 6280). This manual provides the line…
National Scenic and Historic Trails
This document describes the NSHT program’s major policy elements and legislative requirements. Administrators and partners should use this information to guide their development of NSHT programs and identify priorities.
Director’s Order #45
This Director’s Order outlines National Park Service (NPS) policies and procedures for national scenic and historic trails to ensure that congressionally designated trails are recognized and operated on a consistent basis to ensure protection of the characteristics and values of the trail and their use…
Trail Management Areas
8353 – Trail Management Areas – Secretarially Designated National Recreation, Water, and Connecting and Side Trails. This release transmits one of three manuals in the National Trails System manual series (BLM Manuals 8353, 6250, and 6260/6270). This manual addresses secretarially designated National Recreation Trails (Including…