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Unless otherwise indicated, all material in Pathways Across America is public domain. All views expressed herein are perspectives of individuals working on behalf of the National Trails System and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Federal agencies.

Fall 2021

Contents MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PNTS NEXT  GENSPOTLIGHT 2021 Trail Intern, Lydia Jankowski CAPCITY ‘Volunteer Vacations’ Bring Work Crews to Trails Legislation Introduced to ‘Complete the Continental Divide NST’ Chesapeake Oyster House Opens to the Public Original Pony Express Route Marked in Utah PROTECTION…

Summer 2021 Pathways cover features an image of the Missouri River at twilight as the river is bathed in orange light and the mountains in the background appear as silhouettes

Summer 2021

Contents MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PNTS NEXT  GENSPOTLIGHT 2020-21 Trail Apprentice, Chase Gregory, Expands Programming Career WHAT’S NEW AT PNTS “Go Where the Trail Leads You” to Support PNTS PNTS Working Groups: A Forum for Peer Exchange CAPCITY Warrior Expeditions: Thru-Hiking Like a Warrior…

Cover of Spring issue of pathways across america. A butterfly lands on a girl's hand.

Spring 2021

Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Rose, Bud, Thorn: Growing from the Lessons of 2020-21 VOLUNTEERISM AND FUNDING DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC National Trail Nonprofits Persevere in 2020 ADVOCACY Hike the Hill® 2021 Recap: Addressing a New Administration RESOURCES New Federal Trail GIS Schema Template Makes Data…

Winter 2020-2021

Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT The National Trails System: 2020 – “Six Feet Apart, But Closer Than Ever.” COVID-19 Covid-19 Editorial  Covid Comments From Trail Orgs and Federal Partners 2020 REFLECTIONS Elena Medaras, Communications Support Specialist – Ice Age Trail Alliance Teresa Martinez, Executive Director –…

Fall 2020

View/Download the high resolution pdf version of Pathways here. View the email notice for Pathways here. Contents PARTNERSHIP LEADERSHIP REPORTS PNTS is now anchored in Washington, D.C. Valerie Rupp named new Executive Director BOOKS “America’s National Historic Trails” by Karen Berger TRAININGS Virtual Trails Workshop is October…

Summer 2020

View/Download the high resolution pdf version of Pathways here. View the email notice for Pathways (including an updated Editor’s Note) here. Contents PARTNERSHIP LEADERSHIP REPORTS “A time of accelerated change for the Partnership” by Karen Crossley, Interim Executive Director “Raising our voices for trails” by Kathy…

Spring 2020

Contents PARTNERSHIP LEADERSHIP REPORTS “Navigating Times of Change for the Partnership” By Karen Crossley, Interim Executive Director By Kathy DeCoster, Advocacy and Policy Director By Barney “Scout” Mann, Board President TRANSITION TASK FORCE UPDATE PNTS launches job search for Executive Director HIKE THE HILL Transition…

Winter 2019-2020

Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT The National Trails System: Journeys of discovery beyond the tread and ruts TRANSITION TASK FORCE UPDATE 2019 NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL HIGHLIGHTS Appalachian NST Arizona NST Continental Divide NST Florida NST Ice Age NST Natchez Trace NST New England NST North Country…

Fall 2019

Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Preserving critical trail resources and closing gaps AWARDS Gary Werner receives Meritorious Service award NATIONAL TRAILS SYSTEM PROJECTS An Action Plan for our national trails Closing the gaps in the National Trails System Great American Rail-Trail connection OUTREACH Faces of the…

Summer 2019

Contents EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Summer opportunities to support LWCF and PNTS CAPACITY PNTS, Trust for Public Land initiate Gap Analysis Executive Transition Taskforce update BOOKS “Thirst: 2600 Miles to Home” by Heather Anderson “A Grand Experiment” by Steve Elkinton WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Trail Apprentice…