Continental Divide NST: 2018 Highlights

Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC)

  • CDTC, partner organizations, and agency partners signed the entire trail by its 40th anniversary through the “Blaze the CDT” effort.  
  • CDTC added three new Gateway Communities.
  • CDTC expanded its Trail Adopter program by adding over 50 new trail adopters and produced a new training curriculum in partnership with Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado.
  • CDTC expanded its reach and raised trail awareness through a 9-part series on Denver 9News, a two month exhibit in Denver’s International Airport, and the release of a new coffee table book with Rizzoli Press, “The Continental Divide Trail” by Barney Scout Mann.
  • CDTC cohosted the Next100 Colorado Roundtable.
  • CDTC produced two small business sign-on letters that demonstrated support for the CDT and the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) by its small business partners in communities along the CDT in Colorado and New Mexico.
  • CDTC hired its first development program manager and communications intern, which enabled it to grow its social media reach by four times and grow its organization by 20 percent for the year in terms of financial growth and revenue.

Continental Divide Trail Society (CDTS)

  • CDTS presented at the Gathering of the American Long Distance Hiking Association and published an annual review of its activities and developments.
  • CDTS appealed a decision by BLM that would allow heli-skiing operations along several miles of the CDT near Silverton, CO; reviewed and commented on proposed revisions to national forest plans and relocations, including the section between Sheridan Pass and Togwotee Pass, WY; and joined other environmental organizations by contacting members of Congress and responsible agencies regarding the reauthorization and funding of LWCF and the maintenance of protected areas for the greater sage-grouse.
  • CDTS participated in the PNTS Advocacy and Policy Committee and continued to share information with the CDTC in accordance with the Cooperative Agreement of 2015.

Unless otherwise indicated, all material in Pathways Across America is public domain. All views expressed herein are perspectives of individuals working on behalf of the National Trails System and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Federal agencies.

Grand Lake Colorado CDT Gateway Community Designation. Photo Credit: CDTC.