Get Off The Web And Into The Wild

Did you know that national scenic and historic trails connect and travel through over 80 national parks?

The Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS) encourages people to take a break from social media during National Park Week, April 20-28, 2019, as a way to “get off the web and into the wild.”

Join PNTS by pledging to turn your gaze from your phone and computer screen to your natural surroundings and explore a park, trail, wildlife refuge, or forest near you — even your backyard. You never know what you might discover!

Your community might also be planning events for Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day (April 26), which are great opportunities to get outdoors for a walk, to pick up trash, or plant a tree — especially if your hands are free of devices.

Whether you pledge to “get off the web and into the wild” for an hour, a day, or the whole week, we hope you’re fully present to enjoy all the benefits nature has to offer. Click here to take the pledge.

Once you’ve logged back online, we’d love to see and hear what you did on your social media spring break. Be sure to use #getoffthewebandintothewild and tag us @PartnershipNTS on Facebook and Twitter and @nationaltrailsystem on Instagram, or email us at

Update: Read about the adventures those who joined our pledge had in our next blog post.