Make the connection – the National Trails System

I am Alex Stigliano, Program Director for the Florida Trail Association.

A work day along the Florida National Scenic Trail. Photo credit: Van Tran

I devoted a decade of my career to teaching outdoor leadership skills to students of all ages because I believe it is the perfect classroom. People see themselves, each other, and their world most clearly while living in and interacting with the natural environment. Time spent away from roads, electricity, and commerce challenges us with new perspectives that inspire positive changes to our lives.

Our 11 national scenic trails encourage this personal discovery by providing 18,653 miles of trail that allow access to and connections between our most beloved natural spaces. However, many of our national scenic trails are not yet the continuous footpaths they were intended to be.

There are many sections of these trails still left to connect. The Partnership for the National Trails System is working to change that unfortunate reality. You can join us.

With your support, we can continue coordinating with public and private landowners, land managers, and volunteer groups, as we work to make the final connections between our national trails and to optimize our experience of these amazing natural resources for generations to come.

Please consider becoming a supporter today with a donation of $50 or more.

Thank you.

Alex Stigliano

The National Trails System includes 30 national scenic and historic trails and over 3,000 national recreation and rail trails.