Nez Perce (Nee-Me-Poo) NHT 2017 Highlights

Nez Perce Trail Foundation (NPTF)


  • Education — Highest attendance for the annual NPNHT Teachers Summer Tour with educators from five Northwest States who will take historical lessons relative to the Nez Perce War of 1877 back to their classrooms.
  • Exhibits — More than 1,800 visitors attended a month-long exhibit on the NPNHT at BLM’s National Historic Trails Center in Casper, WY; more than 2,500 youth interacted with the new exhibit, “The Journey of the Resilient Niimíipuu People,” during the two-day event at Ravalli County Museum in Hamilton, MT. The Montana exhibit showcases the NPNHT marking the path of the 1877 conflict between the Niimíipuu and the United States Army and tells the story of the Nez Perce flight and culture.


  • Conservation Corps — The Clearwater Basin Youth Conservation Corps replaced rustic wooden post and pole fence at the seasonal village site Kam’-nak-ka, a component site for the NPNHT, and learned about its archaeological significance.


  • Membership — NPTF produced new membership material as part of its reorganization.
  • Fundraising — NPTF is undertaking a major fundraising project to assist with building a basketball court at the Nez Perce Wallowa Oregon Homeland site.

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