Nez Perce Trail Foundation (NPTF)
- Held a scholarship award program for outstanding Native American students.
- Continued raising funds for a planned outdoor basketball court to be built on the Tamkaliks Powwow Grounds in Wallowa, OR.
- Organized the 2018 Nez Perce Summer Education Trail Tour from August 3-9, 2018, which started in Yellowstone National Park and traversed the Nez Perce War of 1877 route that concluded at the Bear Paw, MT battle site. Educators learned about the 1877 war and flight and developed lesson plans to take back to their classrooms. Tour leaders held evening itinerary discussions and spent time reviewing required reading.
- Proposed a 2019 Nez Perce Memorial Monument at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, honoring the Nez Perce survivors who were incarcerated at Ft. Leavenworth following the surrender at Bear Paw, MT, and a Nez Perce Memorial Site at Riparia, WA, recognizing the Joseph’s Band route to Nespelem.
- Developed cooperative partnerships with The Trust for Public Land’s Northern Rockies team for preservation of the Lolo Trail and with Adventure Cycling for Nez Perce history inclusion on relevant State cycling maps.
- Board continues to pursue avenues of fundraising, grant opportunities, and community outreach, as well as increasing social media and website activity.
Unless otherwise indicated, all material in Pathways Across America is public domain. All views expressed herein are perspectives of individuals working on behalf of the National Trails System and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Federal agencies.