North Country NST 2017 Highlights

North Country Trail Association (NCTA)


  • Website — Developed and launched a new website that better integrates trail and volunteer information.
  • Programs — Annual celebration in Marquette, MI was larger than ever with almost 400 attendees; Hike 100 program continued to generate excitement.
  • Signage — Made 40 new informational and interpretive panels and installed them along the trail.


  • Land — NCTA provided matching funds to a Knowles-Nelson Stewardship grant to help Iron County, WI acquire land that will host the North Country NST through partnerships that protect 100 acres along the Lake Superior Coast; NPS completed the purchase of its first property for the trail, an 80-acre parcel in Michigan that protects over a mile of trail.
  • Advocacy — NCTA worked with the Michigan Senate to get congressionally designated trails exempt from recent e-bike legislation.


  • Staff — NCTA welcomed Andrea Ketchmark in August 2017 as the organization’s new Executive Director after Bruce Matthews retired; hired two new staff to fill the Director of Trail Development position and add another Administrative Assistant.
  • Training — Developed a trail crew leader training curriculum that will be launched in 2018.

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