Pony Express NHT 2017 Highlights

National Pony Express Association (NPEA)


  • Re-Ride Tracker — NPEA held its Annual Re-Ride of the Pony Express Trail from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA (June 5-15, 2017) and linked the tracker in the mochila to the website to provide rider and mail exchange locations and status reports so public could experience history in motion.
  • Social Media — NPEA has been utilizing social media via its newly established website and Facebook page to educate the public about the trail and NPEA’s work to preserve history and to try to recruit younger members.


  • Signage — The Utah Division of the NPEA cleaned the signage along the trail beginning in the west desert of Utah at Faust as well as Simpson Springs, Black Rock, Boyds Station, and Round Station.


  • Membership — NPEA introduced an additional level of recognition with a five year patch to help retain members; delegates from all eight States at the National Directors meeting brainstormed how to recruit new and younger members. Ideas included reaching out to youth groups, like 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, and High School Rodeo, and endurance rider and horse organizations to tell them what NPEA does and how they can help keep the history alive.

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