We hope you will join us March 8-26, 2021 for Virtual Hike the Hill 2021®!
Now in its 24th year, Hike the Hill® is a joint effort between the American Hiking Society and the Partnership for the National Trails System to bring together the trails community to advance shared trail priorities with congressional and federal agency leaders including: trails funding, public lands management, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI), and other top priority issues that sustain trails and improve access to public lands.
In 2021, due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19,trail partners from across the nation will come together VIRTUALLY to advocate for legislation, learn about new policies, and meet with federal partners, elected officials and their staff, and fellow trail organizations.
We have designed a Tentative Schedule (below) to maximize planning and participation virtually that will occur on select afternoons (2pm-5pm EST) over a three week period.
Plan to join us on select afternoons (2-5pm EST) March 8-26 for briefings on the top trail issues before Congress and federal agencies, learn more about how to advocate for trails, hear from federal partners and agency leaders, meet with your Member of Congress (scheduled on your own), meet with the staff of select Congressional Committees (registration doesn’t guarantee meeting participation), and network with other trail organizations and user groups.
If this is your first Hike the Hill®, you haven’t attended in a few years, or haven’t been able to travel to DC, we encourage you to join us in 2021 in this virtual format!
For more information, please visit our website: https://pnts.org/new/our-work/hike-the-hill/
Please reach out to Tyler Ray, tray@americanhiking.org or Liz Wessel, liz@pnts.org with any questions.