Tags: federal highway administration

2020 Federal Highway Administration Highlights

Partnerships — FHWA continued its cooperative agreement with PNTS to perform a two year gap analysis and corridor protection research project. An agreement was completed with BLM for a methodology to develop an inventory and monitoring program for trails. Cooperative agreements with American Trails for…

2019 Federal Highway Administration Highlights

Partnerships — In 2019, FHWA had a cooperative agreement with the PNTS to perform a two-year gap analysis and corridor protection research project. FHWA also had an Interagency Agreement with the BLM to complete a methodology to develop an inventory and monitoring program for trails.…

Federal Highway Administration: 2018 Highlights

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides stewardship over the construction, maintenance, and preservation of the nation’s highways, bridges, and tunnels. FHWA also conducts research and provides technical assistance to State and local agencies to improve safety, mobility, and livability, and to…