Tags: Mormon Pioneer Trail

Mormon Pioneer NHT triangle-shaped sign features a bull skull against an orange background.

Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights

The National Park Service provided the following trail highlights and photos for the 2021 calendar year: Education, Interpretation and Cultural Expression In 2021, National Park Service, National Trails office (NTIR) staff worked with an award-winning exhibits design and development firm and the Iowa Mormon Trail…

2020 Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail Highlights

Mormon Trails Association (MTA) PROTECTION Inventory — NPS initiated Cooperative Environmental Studies Unit agreement with Middle Tennessee State University to conduct a historic building inventory along the Mormon Pioneer NHT from Illinois to central Nebraska. Exhibits — NPS managed contract for 10 low-profile wayside and…

Mormon Pioneer NHT: 2018 Highlights

Mormon Trails Association OUTREACH In October, a 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act event was held at Richardson’s Point, IA, which included the dedication of new signs that mark this important location along the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail. Richardson’s Point was where…

Mormon Pioneer NHT 2017 Highlights

Mormon Trails Association (MTA) OUTREACH Exhibit — Opened “Pioneer Pathways to Zion, 1846-1890,” a new exhibit at the LDS Church History Museum in Salt Lake City, UT, after a year of work. It features 50 of the museum’s most treasured pioneer artifacts and reflects decades…