Tags: volunteerism
‘Volunteer Vacations’ by the American Hiking Society Brings Volunteer Work Crews to Trails
by Ellie Place, Programs Manager, American Hiking Society This fall, a group of American Hiking Society (AHS) volunteers laced up their boots and traveled into the Tonto National Forest backcountry for a week of trail maintenance on the Arizona National Scenic Trail (AZNST). These volunteers…
PNTS Welcomes New Board Members May 2021
STEVEN GONZALES Returning board member, Steven Gonzales, is Executive Director of El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association. In addition to his work with the Partnership, he has promoted National Parks and the Camino Real in two PBS documentaries and has served…
A Message to Existing and New Partners and Volunteers with the Forest Service
by Meckenzie Helmandollar-Powell, US Forest Service Hello valued trail partners and volunteers. The Trail Challenge is a challenge for all of us who care for and receive benefits from trails—including you—to achieve more sustainable trails. You are invited to help with any element of the…
National Trail Nonprofits Persevere in 2020
When Covid-19 led to the shutdown of many offices in early 2020, trail organizations were justifiably concerned about the impact that might have on their programming, volunteerism, and annual giving. Many fundraising events were cancelled or quickly pivoted to digital formats. In-person volunteer programs including…