2019 Arizona National Scenic Trail Highlights

Arizona Trail Association (ATA)


Partnerships — ATA led outdoor experiences with groups that represent Latino, LGBTQ, disabled, and college age communities. ATA strengthened partnerships with Navajo and Hopi native communities and developed an interpretive sign that integrates cultural information from an indigenous perspective with names of the local mountains in eight native languages.

Programs ATA attracted over 500 new outdoor enthusiasts to the trail and nonprofit with its “Arizona Trail in a Day” initiative. 


Construction ATA completed an 18-mile reroute to replace U.S. Forest Service roads and a 4.6-mile reroute to replace dirt roads and dry creek beds. These singletrack construction projects will minimize motorized interface, add recreational value, and increase scenic qualities. 

Installations — ATA installed 11 new steel gates to protect the trail from motorized impacts, 1,580 feet of log fences at trailheads, and three new Gateway Community signs. ATA fabricated and installed a remote rainwater collector. 


Staffing — ATA promoted its Volunteer Coordinator to a full-time position.

Volunteerism — ATA developed a new volunteer management and recognition system, including an independent website for promoting volunteer opportunities and reporting hours. 

Trainings — ATA expanded its Trail Skills Institute offerings for 62 people and held a Regional Steward Meeting and Northern Arizona Steward Gathering.