Tags: Arizona Trail
Pathways Across America: May Issue
In This Issue: Trails Are Indigenous: Bridging the Gap between National Trails and Indigenous Communities PDF Version
Arizona National Scenic Trail 2021 Highlights
The Arizona Trail Association provided the following highlights for the Arizona NST during the 2021 calendar year: Conserving Trail Lands and Boosting Climate Resilience Staff, volunteers and Federal agency employees worked together to restore a natural spring that was negatively impacted by a recent wildfire…
2020 Arizona National Scenic Trail Highlights
Arizona Trail Association (ATA) OUTREACH Media — ATA received international media attention surrounding impacts of the border wall to the trail’s southern terminus. ATA partnered with a media company to product Arizona Trail documentary; Maps — ATA partnered with the Arizona Office of Tourism to…
2019 Arizona National Scenic Trail Highlights
Arizona Trail Association (ATA) OUTREACH Partnerships — ATA led outdoor experiences with groups that represent Latino, LGBTQ, disabled, and college age communities. ATA strengthened partnerships with Navajo and Hopi native communities and developed an interpretive sign that integrates cultural information from an indigenous perspective with…
Arizona Trail acknowledges cultural resources
Adapted from Arizona Trail Association e-news articles STEWARD GUIDE TO CULTURAL RESOURCES When you’re out on the Arizona Trail it’s important to remember you are often walking in the footsteps of people who have lived on this landscape for 10,000 years or longer. Many of…
A decade in the making: Temporal Gulch Passage reroute approved to provide safer alternative for AZT
by Matthew Nelson, Executive Director, Arizona Trail Association Over the past decade, the Arizona Trail Association (ATA) has been working to find a safer, more scenic alternative to the trail’s current alignment near the town of Patagonia, AZ, which includes three miles of paved roads…
Putting trails on the map and into your home!
Now more than ever we need our trails, natural areas and public outdoor spaces. Together we can build and improve accessibility and put the national scenic and historic trails on the map and into your home! The founders of the National Trails System anticipated scenic…
Arizona Trail management strategies for a changing climate
by Matthew Nelson, Executive Director, Arizona Trail Association Maintaining and protecting the Arizona National Scenic Trail (AZT) has always been a challenge, especially considering the diversity of ecosystems the trail traverses. Through deserts, canyons, mountains, and forests, the AZT climbs and descends over 110,000 feet in…
Arizona National Scenic Trail – 10th Anniversary
by Matt Nelson, Executive Director, Arizona Trail Association When Dale Shewalter, a school teacher from Flagstaff, AZ, stood on top of Coronado Peak near the U.S./Mexico border in the late 1970s and imagined a single trail connecting deserts, mountains, canyons, forests, communities, and people, the dream…
Celebrating 10 years as part of the National Trails System
In 2009, four new national scenic and historic trails joined the National Trails System, bringing the total number of Congressionally designated trails to 30. In 2019, nonprofit and Federal partners shared each trail’s history, accomplishments, and 10th anniversary events. To learn more about the trails, visit…