2020 Arizona National Scenic Trail Highlights

Arizona Trail Association (ATA)


Media — 

ATA received international media attention surrounding impacts of the border wall to the trail’s southern terminus.

ATA partnered with a media company to product Arizona Trail documentary; 

Maps — ATA partnered with the Arizona Office of Tourism to print & distribute 100,000 Arizona Trail maps and suggested itineraries.

Signs — 

ATA developed and installed eight new trailhead signs. 

ATA collaborated with Indigenous communities on the development of an interpretive sign at a culturally significant location.

Engagement — 

ATA initiated a “Youth Ambassadors” program with 12 high school age participants. 

ATA hosted two Veterans Volunteer Work Weekends; hosted four Trails Skills Institute courses to train and inspire trail stewards.


Fencing — 

ATA installed 14 steel gates to protect the trail from motorized trespass. 

ATA installed 12 steel rollovers at fence crossings to accommodate mountain bikers and hikers. 

Studies — ATA published a study on the perceptions of conflict surrounding electric-motorized bicycles on the Arizona Trail. 

Support — 

ATA conducted condition assessments along 60 miles of the trail impacted by wildfire and  worked with land managers to secure Burned Area Emergency Response funding for emergency stabilization.

ATA supported the mineral withdrawal on the Coconino National Forest to protect the trail corridor from mining. 

Land — Signed easement agreements with two private property owners for new trail segment. 

Reroute — After 7 years of work, 2020 saw the approval and implementation of the Arizona Trail Temporal Gulch Reroute project on the Coronado National Forest and beginning of new trail construction to remove the Arizona Trail from paved and dirt roads in southern Arizona. Once completed, 32 miles of new shared-use trail will replace dangerous roads where the trail is currently located.


Staff — ATA hired two Field Coordinators to assist with volunteer event coordination and a Trail Technician to support trail construction efforts and oversee conservation corps.

J.E.D.I. — ATA developed a Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy.

Promotions —  ATA developed new promotional items to increase awareness of the Arizona Trail.

Office — Moved into an independent office space to better support staff and organizational needs

Training — ATA developed “Trails Skills” videos to educate volunteers on the art and science of trail maintenance.