2020 Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Highlights

Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF)

Lewis and Clark Trust, Inc. (LCT)


Junior Rangers — The first ever Trailwide Junior Ranger activity book was piloted at ten locations along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. The program allows children to complete educational activities—designed to engage participants where they are and to draw connections to trailwide themes—and earn a Junior Ranger Badge.


Historic Sites — In 2020 the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail finalized a contract with S.V.M. Historical Consultants to investigate upwards of 20 high potential historic sites (HPHS) along the eastern extension of the Trail, from St. Louis to Pittsburgh. Joining the list of High Potential Historic Sites already identified and described, these eastern HPHS will complete the picture of historic places along all 4,900 miles of the Lewis and Clark Trail. This critical work helps to commemorate and protect historic sites from Pittsburgh to the Pacific.


Living History — More than 90 participants tuned in for a Trail Talk webinar with living history actor and activist Hasan Davis, as he guided a conversation about York (the only African American member of the Lewis and Clark expedition team), Equity, Race, and the Lewis and Clark Story.

GO on a Trail — Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a successful year for the GO on a Trail collaboration between the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and NASA’s GLOBE Observer program. Building on the successful data collection of 2019, the team worked this year to analyze and share the information. This fall, the scientific paper, GLOBE Observer and the GO on a Trail Data Challenge: A Citizen Science Approach to Generating a Global Land Cover Land Use Reference Dataset, was accepted by the peer-reviewed scientific journal Frontiers. In October 2020, hundreds of educators from the National Park Service and beyond met online for a convention of interpretation innovation, Interprecon. Ashley Danielson, Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail) and Kristen Weaver, (NASA) presented on the GO on a Trail partnership.