Tags: Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
2020 Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Highlights
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) Lewis and Clark Trust, Inc. (LCT) OUTREACH Junior Rangers — The first ever Trailwide Junior Ranger activity book was piloted at ten locations along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. The program allows children to complete educational…
2019 Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Highlights
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) Lewis and Clark Trust, Inc. (LCT) OUTREACH Programs — LCTHF grants helped fund a new travel brochure of the eastern portion of the trail; a program to preserve and teach the Lakota language; a program to teach children…
Sarah Cawley is new Executive Director of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
Submitted by the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) announced December 5, 2019, that it hired Sarah Cawley as Executive Director to lead the national nonprofit organization. Sarah began her position at the LCTHF’s headquarters in Great…
Students explore the trails in their classroom and beyond
by Partnership for the National Trails System, adapted from partner news releases and emails Triumph and Tragedy Each year, the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) supports National History Day with two $1,000 prizes in the Junior Division (grades 6-8) and the Senior Division…
Eastern Legacy Extension Act: Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail nonprofit partners provide updates
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation by Lou Ritten, President, Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) celebrated the 50th anniversary of its official establishment on March 11, 2019. The very next day, as part of the John D.…
Lewis and Clark NHT: 2018 Highlights
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) OUTREACH LCTHF proceeded with its administrative history to commemorate its 50th anniversary. LCTHF awarded small-scale ($500 to $1,000) education grants and supported National History Day with $1,000 prizes in the junior and senior high awards categories. LCTHF initiated…
Clark descendants meet at Hike the Hill
by Lindy Hatcher, Executive Director of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. During the Hike the Hill reception in Washington, D.C. this February, the Executive Director of the Arizona Trail Association (ATA), Matthew Nelson, introduced himself to me as a William Clark descendant. As…
Lewis and Clark NHT 2017 Highlights
Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (LCTHF) Lewis and Clark Trust, Inc. (LCT) OUTREACH Grants — LCTHF established the Burroughs-Holland/Bicentennial Education and Scholarship Grant Program, developed criteria and an application form, and gave grants from that fund in small amounts of $500 to $1,000; LCTHF…