National Pony Express Association (NPEA)
Events — Christmas Card Rides were put together by NPEA for trail communities in Kansas and Wyoming, collecting cards and letters from Pony Express drop boxes and delivering them by horseback to the USPS.
Maintenance —
NPEA Utah conducted trail maintenance work in October, repairing monuments and making sure there was no problems out on the trail for Utah.
NPEA Nevada spent several days out on the trails cutting down fallen trees and fixing wash outs in the roads. Tony Zamora and the Schellbourne Re-Riders spent many hours on several occasions riding their horses in trail areas where we have had problems in the past maintaining the trails.
NPEA Kansas and NPEA Wyoming kept up on regular trail maintenance.
Signs —
NPEA finished all of the new sign projects in Tooele Utah.
NPEA finalized the Nevada trails sign project by completing 140+ miles of trails signs from Ibapah, Utah to the Diamonds/Overland Pass area.