Tags: pony express national historic trail
Outreach and Engagement
From instituting novel programs to engaging individuals of diverse backgrounds, this work is done in the interest of ensuring that the Trails are welcoming and accessible to all. Many public events brought communities together to celebrate the culture, history, and scenery of the trails. The…
Conserving Trail Lands and Climate Resilience
Last year, National Scenic and Historic Trails across the US continued to protect land, mobilize communities, and advocate for wildlife, ecosystem health, climate resilience, and Indigenous heritage. Many trail organizations took bold action toward acknowledging the impact of climate change on the Trails System and…
Pony Express National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights
The National Pony Express Association provided the following highlights for the Pony Express NHT during the 2021 calendar year: Historic Preservation With the help of our partnership with the National Park Service, the Utah Division of the National Pony Express Association was able to repair…
Utah Division of the National Pony Express Association Installs Signage Along Original Pony Express Route
State Divisions of the National Pony Express Association are in the process of installing route marking signs as near as possible to the original route taken by Pony Express riders between 1860-61. The automotive or auto tour route of the Pony Express National Historic Trail…
2020 Pony Express National Historic Trail Highlights
National Pony Express Association (NPEA) OUTREACH Events — Christmas Card Rides were put together by NPEA for trail communities in Kansas and Wyoming, collecting cards and letters from Pony Express drop boxes and delivering them by horseback to the USPS. PROTECTION Maintenance — NPEA…
2019 Pony Express National Historic Trail Highlights
National Pony Express Association (NPEA) OUTREACH Events — NPEA held its Annual Re-Ride of the Pony Express Trail from St. Joseph, MO to Old Sacramento, CA, which took 10 days to complete traveling nonstop by horseback 24 hours a day. About 900 riders and their…
NPEA delivering letters to veterans at Reno Rodeo’s 100th
By: Petra Keller, Media Team, National Pony Express Association The National Pony Express Association (NPEA) has been invited to participate in the 100th anniversary of the Reno Rodeo this year as part of the Pony Express Re-Ride, which is scheduled to leave St. Joseph, MO on…
National historic trails landmark Scotts Bluff is 100
By: Kayla J. Gasker, Park Ranger – Centennial Coordinator, National Park Service – Scotts Bluff National Monument While the history of the Oregon, California, Mormon Pioneer, and Pony Express national historic trails have been cemented in the cultural identity of the United States since their inception,…
Rider on the Pony Express Trail
The first in a series of photography books and journals by Carla E Photography, “Rider on the Pony Express Trail” (Volume I: 2015-2016) published in 2018 by Cowboy West, LLC, will soon be accompanied by “Remnants on the Pony Express Trail,” likely in 2020. The…
Pony Express was more than just a romantic adventure
By: Jim DeFelice, Author, “West Like Lightning: The Brief, Legendary Ride of the Pony Express” (2018, William Morrow/HarperCollins Publishers) The words “Pony Express” conjure romantic images of adventure and adrenaline-fueled action across the immense, varied terrain of the Old West. Wiry young men lean against the necks…