Arizona NST 2017 Highlights

Arizona Trail Association (ATA)


  • Gear Girls — Held program engaging young women in mountain biking, snowsports, and trail work through REI grant.
  • Trail Skills Institute — Held five successful training courses to teach sustainable trail design, dry stone masonry and armoring techniques, corridor maintenance, and hydrology.
  • Trail Communities — Installed four new signs for Gateway Communities.
  • Communication — Worked with Representative Martha McSally (R-AZ) to announce her goal to hike the entire Arizona NST.
  • Social Media — Grew followers by 25 percent.
  • Inventory — Assisted in completing inventories of signage, facilities, trail conditions, road crossings, and trail values in support of the comprehensive plan process.


  • Steel Gates — Installed ten “super gates” to protect the trail from motorized abuse and reduce vandalism while still being hiker, mountain biker, and horse friendly.
  • Bridges — Installed four bridges to protect the East Verde River watershed and reroute the Arizona NST from a powerline road onto singletrack.


  • Staff — Increased hours that staff are working to support their mission; hired a new Development Director; hired three new co-leaders for youth outreach program; added 16 new volunteer trail stewards.

Unless otherwise indicated, all material in Pathways Across America is public domain. All views expressed herein are perspectives of individuals working on behalf of the National Trails System and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Federal agencies.