Posts written by aminniear

Autumn 2012

Contents: Virtual Visit to the Nez Perce NHT Now Complete, Iditarod NHT Centennial Partnership Receives DOI Award, Florida NST Publishes Landmark Reports…

Summer 2012

Contents: Ala Kahakai Trail Association Acquiring Critical Parcel, 5-Year Trends for the National Trails System, FWHA Transportation Bill & the NTS…

Spring 2012

The PNTS National Trails System Partners Report is the first-ever attempt to display information from both sides of the public-private partnerships that define the National Trails System in a side-by-side manner for each of the national scenic and historic trails.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

More than 40 million visitors come to Fish and Wildlife Service managed refuges, wetlands, hatcheries and administrative areas every year.

USDA Forest Service Recreation Trails Portfolio

The Forest Service is a land management organization dedicated to the management of the National Forest System lands for a variety of uses and activities including outdoor recreation.

National Trails System Program, National Park Service

The National Trails System is the network of scenic, historic, and recreation trails created by the National Trails System Act of 1968.

Federal Lands Highway Program

Provides financial resources and technical assistance for a coordinated program of public roads that service the transportation needs of Federal and Indian lands.

Federal Highway Administration Transportation Enhancements Program

Provides funds for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives.

Federal Highway Administration, Recreational Trails Program

Provides funds to the States to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both nonmotorized and motorized recreational trail uses.

Federal Highway Administration National Scenic Byways Program

Designates America’s Byways and provided resources to the byway community in creating a unique travel experience and enhanced local quality of life through efforts to preserve, protect, interpret, and promote the intrinsic qualities of designated byways. [No new funds available after FY 2012.]