Letha Kelsey
Letha Kelsey has been an active volunteer, hiker, and advocate for the Ice Age NST since 2000. As an artist with an emphasis in painting and drawing, Letha Kelsey’s work investigates immediate surroundings–specifically the sensory language and pictorial spaces of the Midwest. Kelsey is a…
Jim Zimmerman
Jim Zimmerman first became familiar with the Nez Perce around 1972, as an equestrian interested in Appaloosas, a breed of horse originally bred by the Nez Perce. While working to spread awareness and popularity of the Appaloosa breed, he became connected to Nez Perce NHT…
Frank X Walker
Frank X Walker is a multidisciplinary artist and native of Kentucky. He is the co-founder of Affrilachian poets and the creator of the word Affrilachia (Relating to an African-American who lives in Appalachia.)
Randell Jones
Randell Jones, author and historian, is particularly inspired by the story of the Overmountain Men of 1780, their heroic campaign across the Appalachian Mountains, and unrelenting pursuit of British Major Patrick Ferguson for two weeks during the American Revolution.
Les Vilda
Les Vilda does not regurgitate history, he lives it! His 8 programs cover life on the trails and the colorful encounters one might have expected.
Mark Mandeville and Raianne Richards
Folk musicians Mark Mandeville and Raianne Richards founded the Massachusetts Walking Tour, a nonprofit organization supporting arts and culture in the small towns of their home state of Massachusetts.
Deb Salt
(Award year: 2013) In recognition of her many years of outstanding service and achievements as National Trails Program Leader in the Bureau of Land Management’s National Landscape Conservation System, for her support of the Partnership for the National Trails System, and especially for her inspiring leadership in developing the National Scenic and Historic Trails Strategy and the precedent setting Policy Manuals.