Randell Jones, author and historian, is particularly inspired by the story of the Overmountain Men of 1780, their heroic campaign across the Appalachian Mountains, and unrelenting pursuit of British Major Patrick Ferguson for two weeks during the American Revolution. The Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail commemorates this historic campaign and its path through the mountains.
To celebrate his 50th birthday, which falls on the anniversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain, Jones decided to hike the Trail but discovered that, at the time, very little of the trail was actually on the ground to hike. Instead, he joined the Overmountain Victory Trail Association, Inc., a “stalwart band of long-dedicated trail champions” committed to telling the Overmountain Victory story.
Through the Association, collaboration with the National Park Service and as a volunteer storyteller to school groups visiting the Trail during the Overmountain Victory Celebration, Randell Jones has fulfilled this commitment and his personal passion.