Tags: OSTA
2020 Old Spanish National Historic Trail Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH Media — The Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) filmed video footage documenting segments of the longest waterless stretch of the trail at Emigration Pass and Resting Springs in the Mojave Desert. This video footage will document the Old Spanish…
2019 Old Spanish National Historic Trail Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH Programs — OSTA chapters held Old Spanish Trails Days programs, including a new K-12 Charter School Art Contest. NPS created the first Old Spanish Trail Junior Ranger worksheet and converted an OSTA tabletop game to a digital file printed…
Old Spanish NHT 2017 Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH Interpretive Wayside — Developed and installed a new wayside at Whitewater and Orchard Mesa trailheads, Mesa County, CO. Programs — Held an interpretive tour for 50 participants in Cajon Pass, San Bernardino County, CA; held the fifth annual OST…