Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route NHT: 2018 Highlights

National Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association, Inc. (W3R-US)

  • Completed a Lecture to Web program that enabled a historian to lecture to 12 different groups, after which he reworked the lectures to text with images to be posted on the website.
  • Completed signage texts for a segment of the trail in New Jersey.
  • Added a French translation feature to the website.
  • Worked with Fort Mifflin to develop a plan for effective marketing and distribution of Pennsylvania unigrid maps.
  • Placed 60 directional signs on trail related sites throughout the nine State and Washington, D.C. trail.
  • Secured passport stampers for sites along the trail.
  • Reinstated monthly conference calls with representatives in each State and D.C.
  • Secured GuideStar Platinum rating.
  • Completed full migration to QuickBooks.
  • Developed a board-only website and organizational archive to house all important corporate records, grants, and contracts so that no information is lost in the transition to new officers every two years.
  • Formalized terms and conditions to further professionalize contracting with professional service providers.
  • Completed an online archive of the past 20 years of the organization’s work.
  • Organized a mailing list in preparation for an online newsletter.
  • Participated in the Long Range Interpretive Plan to be completed in 2019.
  • Organized a contact list for a Trail Access and Development Study, also to be completed in 2019, and a board task force to update the bylaws.
  • Welcomed Steven Sims as trail Superintendent in October 2018, and began a realignment process to enhance the effectiveness of the partnership.
  • Awarded a 2018 Task Agreement to provide a contracted Executive Director, a part-time Digital Media Services person, and to cover the costs of accounting services and supplies.

Unless otherwise indicated, all material in Pathways Across America is public domain. All views expressed herein are perspectives of individuals working on behalf of the National Trails System and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Federal agencies.

The trail sign is on the corner of Fort Myer Drive and eastbound Lee Highway in Arlington, VA, just past Key Bridge across from Georgetown in Washington, D.C. Photo Credit: Kevin Vincent

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