Where are they now? Halle Goldstein

From trail intern to conservation organizer

by Halle Goldstein, 2018 PNTS Trail Intern and Apprentice

When I first began my internship with the Florida Trail Association, I was originally pursuing a psychology degree so that I could attend graduate school for occupational therapy. However, the experiences I had during this internship helped develop my love and passion for the environmental field and interpersonal relationships. I soon realized that I did not want to continue on with the medical field. 

After the National Trails System internship, I went on to work for the Florida Department of Environmental protection where I garnered experience with the agency’s permitting program, aquatic preserves, and wetland determinations. Recently, I have accepted a position with Audubon Florida to work as a conservation organizer to expand their base of advocates for Everglades and climate issues along the west coast of Florida. 

I highly recommend applying for the PNTS internship if you have a passion for the environment, even if you do not have a degree in the field. It is a great way to learn and build experience while gaining new perspectives.

Halle Goldstein is a 2018 Trail Intern grant recipient with the Florida Trail Association and Trail Apprentice scholarship recipient who attended the National Trails Conference in Vancouver, WA. Learn more about the Partnership’s youth programs:
