Tags: Old Spanish Trail Association
Old Spanish National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights
The following highlights were submitted by the Old Spanish Trail Association for events that occurred on the Old Spanish National Historic Trail during the 2021 calendar year: Strengthening Organizations and Partnerships During summer 2021, the National Park Service, National Trails office (NTIR) hosted an intern…
2020 Old Spanish National Historic Trail Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH Media — The Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) filmed video footage documenting segments of the longest waterless stretch of the trail at Emigration Pass and Resting Springs in the Mojave Desert. This video footage will document the Old Spanish…
2019 Old Spanish National Historic Trail Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH Programs — OSTA chapters held Old Spanish Trails Days programs, including a new K-12 Charter School Art Contest. NPS created the first Old Spanish Trail Junior Ranger worksheet and converted an OSTA tabletop game to a digital file printed…
Old Spanish NHT: 2018 Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH The Mojave Chapter hosted its annual Old Spanish Trail Day October 5-7, 2018. Attended the PNTS training conference in Vancouver, WA, with representation from six OSTA board members and two staff. A 12-year effort, led by ex-Armijo Chapter president…
Old Spanish Trail Association leadership changes hands
by Partnership for the National Trails System Adapted from emails with OSTA staff and board The Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) appointed a new Executive Director, Lynn Brittner. Brittner served as the Executive Director for the Santa Barbara Historical Museum from 2014 until recently, and…
Old Spanish NHT to be featured in 2019 documentary film
by Vicki Felmlee, President, Old Spanish Trail Association The Museum of Moab, working with a consortium of partners such as the Old Spanish Trail Association, is producing a documentary film about the Old Spanish National Historic Trail (OST) and its history in Eastern Utah. The 14 official…
Old Spanish NHT 2017 Highlights
Old Spanish Trail Association (OSTA) OUTREACH Interpretive Wayside — Developed and installed a new wayside at Whitewater and Orchard Mesa trailheads, Mesa County, CO. Programs — Held an interpretive tour for 50 participants in Cajon Pass, San Bernardino County, CA; held the fifth annual OST…