Posts written by PNTS Communications

The North Country National Scenic Trail triangle-shaped sign logo features a yellow and white 8-pointed compass rose against a blue background.

North Country National Scenic Trail 2021 Highlights

The North Country Trail Association and the National Park Service provided the following trail highlights and photos for the 2021 calendar year: Collaboration and Engagement NCTA’s JEDI Committee has been meeting monthly and is focused on staff, board and community training as well as the…

The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail triangle sign logo features the silhouette of an evergreen tree against a green background with white mountains.

Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail 2021 Highlights

The Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) provided the following highlights for the Pacific Crest NST during the 2021 calendar year: Collaboration and Engagement The PCTA sponsored Crystal Gail Welcome’s “Footprints for Change Hike for Justice” this summer on the Pacific Crest Trail portion of the…

The Pacific Northwest Trail triangular sign logo features a black Native-American-style rendering of an eagle against a yellow background.

Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail 2021 Highlights

The Pacific Northwest Trail Association (PNTA) provided the following highlights for the Pacific Northwest NST during the 2021 calendar year: Strengthening Organizations and Partnerships PNTA coordinated collaborative work with the Forest Service, Olympic National Park, Back Country Horsemen, and other local stakeholders to reopen a…

The Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail triangular sign logo features a blue river winding through black hills with a white silhouette of the capital building in the center-right of the image.

Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail 2021 Highlights

The following highlights took place along the Potomac Heritage NST during the 2021 calendar year: Conserving Trail Lands and Boosting Climate Resilience A mile of off-road trail was added to the Potomac National Scenic Trail in northern Virginia, connecting Belmont Bay to Veterans Park via…

The Ala Kahakai NHT's triangular-shaped sign featured a yellow hook against a blue background

Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights

The Ala Kahakai Trail Association (AKTA) provided the following highlights for the Ala Kahakai NHT during the 2021 calendar year: Conserving Trail Lands and Boosting Climate Resilience AKTA closed on a land acquisition of 1300 acres at Kaunamano on October 12, 2021, were able to…

The Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT logo features the silhouette of a sailing ship in black against a blue background

Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights

The National Park Service provided the following highlights for the Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT during the 2021 calendar year: Conserving Trail Lands and Boosting Climate Resilience In July 2021, Chief Dennis Coker of the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware offered a land acknowledgment at…

The CARTA NHT triangular logo and sign features two brown oxen pulling a wooden cart against a red, pink, and yellow background

El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro 2021 Highlights

The National Park Service provided the following trail highlights and photos for the 2021 calendar year: Collaboration and Engagement In commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 2021), the National History Academy invited the National Park Service, National Trails office (NTIR) to present virtually on the…

El Camino Real de los Tejas NHT triangular sign features the silhouette of a young woman in front of a Spanish mission

El Camino Real de Los Tejas 2021 Highlights

The El Camino Real de Los Tejas National Historic Trail Association (ElCat) provided the following highlights for the El Camino Real de Los Tejas NHT during the 2021 calendar year: Local Economy, Tourism and Community Health In March, ElCaT’s Trail de Flores chapter organized a…

The triangular trail sign for the Iditarod National Historic Trail features a blue husky and sled against a yellow background

Iditarod National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights

The Iditarod Historic Trail Alliance (IHTA) provided the following highlights for the Iditarod NHT during the 2021 calendar year: Local Economy, Tourism and Community Health The Forest Service manages the Southern Trek of the Iditarod National Historic Trail. In the summer of 2021, the Chugach…

Triangular trail sign for the Juan Bautista de Anza NHT features a conquistador on a horse led by a Native guide against and yellow and red background

Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail 2021 Highlights

The following highlights for the Juan Bautista de Anza NHT were provided by the National Park Service and the Anza Trail Foundation for the 2021 calendar year: Conserving Trail Lands and Boosting Climate Resilience This summer’s record-breaking monsoon rain gave the all-volunteer Anza Trail Coalition…