Tags: LWCF
Great American Outdoors Act passes
Great American Outdoors Act passes Legislation fully and permanently funds LWCF, addresses maintenance backlog by Partnership for the National Trails System Adapted from news releases and advocacy and policy updates The Partnership for the National Trails System is thrilled that the decades-long effort to fully…
Raising our voices for trails – by Kathy DeCoster
There is exciting news to report! As part of its return to “regular order” legislation, the U.S. Senate voted to pass the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) on June 17. This bipartisan legislation to fully and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund is…
A time of transition and momentum for trails during Hike the Hill 2020
By Kathy DeCoster, PNTS Advocacy and Policy Director, and Samantha Haas, PNTS Communications Coordinator More than 100 people representing 40 trail organizations and advocates from throughout the country traveled to Washington, D.C. this February to “Hike the Hill.” Now in its 23rd year, Hike the Hill®…
A cause for celebration: Fones Cliffs protected along the Captain John Smith Chesapeake NHT
by Jody Hedeman Couser, Director of Communications, Chesapeake Conservancy Partners gathered at historic Fones Cliffs along Virginia’s Rappahannock River and the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail on June 28, 2019, to celebrate the permanent protection of 252 acres recently added to the Rappahannock River…
Trinity Divide deal protects 17 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail
by Megan Wargo, Director of Land Protection, Pacific Crest Trail Association In June, a significant step forward was achieved in the goal to permanently protect the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (PCT) with the $15 million acquisition of the 10,300-acre Trinity Divide project in Northern California.…
Help secure full annual funding of the LWCF and donate to support the work of the PNTS
by Gary Werner, Executive Director, Partnership for the National Trails System As we begin the second 50 years of building, protecting, interpreting, and maintaining the national scenic and historic trails, several new opportunities offer the prospect of significantly enhancing our efforts. The Partnership for the National…
LWCF permanently reauthorized: Federal program is critical for protecting special places along national trails
By: Gary Werner, Executive Director, Partnership for the National Trails System In February, the 116th Congress passed S.47—the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act—the largest public lands bill since 2009. This omnibus public lands bill includes permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water…
#SaveLWCF to Save Our Trails
Urge Congress to permanently reauthorize LWCF with full, dedicated funding The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) expired on September 30th, threatening the future of our national trails, parks, and public lands. “Without any action from Congress, a program that is widely supported, provides more…
PNTS Statement in Support of H.R. 6510
On behalf of the Partnership for the National Trails System and our 35 member organizations we encourage the Natural Resources Committee to support H.R. 6510, the Restore Our Parks and Public Lands Act. All Public Lands Must Be Included in Deferred Maintenance Legislation (incl. U.S.…